Like a famous man said: "I'm back!"


More seriously, I decided to do a complete overhaul of my personal website. I had originally created a ReactJs app that I pushed to Github Pages, but some things felt clunky. For instance, the page routing would sometimes break when clicking the back button, etc.

I'm sure there are sensible solutions out there to the problems I faced, but to be completely honest I wanted to get out of Javascript land a bit, and make a more permanent and cozy home here with these good old python web apps (currently using FastAPI in a monorepo setting).

It will take a bit of work to make it look like what I want, but at least it will spark joy this time :)

I'm curious about what solutions people use for their personal websites, and why. I tried multiple options like using template apps for instance. But for some reason something was missing, maybe the satisfaction of building "everything" yourself, including owning the deployment pipeline and such. For the apps here, I'm running a small kubernetes cluster. I might write a separate blog on it if there's interest.

Hope you enjoy what you see!